24 thoughts on “Books and blooms…

  1. Diane, I do appreciate your visit and kind words. I too have been online much less lately so I do understand where you’re coming from. Our summer has been good; hope the same is true for you!

  2. I have been online so infrequently ever since spring. Seems I may never fully catch up but how lovely to see this series of images. And the vessels are equally as unique and full of interest. Hoping you are doing well and have been enjoying summer.

  3. Indeed there is, Lee, and you are perceptive to notice it…I’m enjoying planning and shooting these and am so glad others enjoy them. Many thanks for your visit!

  4. Great artistry. Do you own the books?

    On Fri, Jun 23, 2017 at 10:27 PM, Sherrygaley.com wrote:

    > Sherry Galey posted: “” >

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