Moving forward…

minimal beach3No resolutions for 2014…just some ways of being…

December’s focus on simplicity inspired by Kim Manley Ort had a profound impact on my way of seeing through my lens and living my life. I will continue to make simplicity a touchstone and practise integrating contemplation with my photography.

Kim and others (Burghardt and Merton) describe contemplation as a “long, loving look at the real…” That seems to me to perfectly sum up an intention I want to adopt this year, in photography and every other aspect of life.

Today I will start with a few intentions and add to them over time. In 2014, I will move toward more stillness and less frenzy, more focus and less distraction, more depth and less superficiality, more acceptance and less resistance.

And so I move forward, embracing my own path with heart…

22 thoughts on “Moving forward…

  1. Thank you so very much, Indigo! You know I wish you the same. You have come so far with your 3D work in 2013 — it is pretty miraculous. I have no doubt you will continue to learn and produce amazing work in 2014. I’m really not sure where my photography will go this year…I am in a different place than in the past. But I am trusting my inner muse more…

  2. I know we are on the same wavelength, Cheryl, and it is such sweetness to me to know you are out there approaching things in a similar way. Our sailboat is quite pared down in terms of things but I have a similar issue with a too-full computer! I loved the 50 mm course; the prompts and suggestions are pretty straightforward and there is no real need for processing — just pick up camera and shoot! Love ya!

  3. Spaces like this are profoundly healing, Dotti, and bring us back to ourselves. When I contemplate it, we are really very simple creatures with simple needs — and we complexify our ives to no end…I am so glad you are loving the 50 mm course. It was a real favorite of mine — and the 1.4 lens repeatedly gives me images that thrill me. I look forward to seeing how you go forward with greater simplicity, my dear!

  4. Yes, Sandra, lately I have been drawn to wide open images of space and nature — subtle images with lots of space — images that all look the same if you glance at the quickly but are quite different if you take the time to admire the particular curve of a wave or light on a cloud. Kim’s “simple” December has been a wondrous experience and a profound influence to be sure. I love it too!

  5. I love everything you said here Sherry and it’s what I would also like to do…it is a process though…and I’m also starting it slowly…first by de-cluttering my house and everything else that needs it…(my computer)…but it takes time..
    I so happy for you that you “get it”…so many don’t..perhaps that’s what a few hard years a while back did for me…
    Your image is inspiring in what your intentions are…it’s beautiful, peaceful and perfectly balanced..
    Enjoy…and I love who your reading…
    Oh did I tell you that I’m taking Kim Ort’s 50mm. class this time…I’m going to take the info and then work on it when I can…but I can tell already she is good…is there something to that name…

  6. Such a a lovely photo, Sherry. I do love big expanses like this with space to breathe in. All your resolutions sound wonderful and speak to my way of approaching this new year also! I think that our month long journey on Simplicity with Kim has influenced many of us to approach photography, and our lives, with a new approach. I love it!

  7. that sounds like an excellent philosophy Sherry. I know you’ll embrace it even more as you move forward. I’ve found that to be such a key influence in my life as well. And now, after having a stroke, it makes me contemplate that perhaps I could simplify even more.
    What a really peaceful and beautiful beach image you chose to share – lovely

  8. Your photo calls to me with its vast expanse of silvery water on the sand. It’s message is to be still, let go, and accept what lies ahead. I have no doubt you’ll be doing this with your photography in the year to come, and that we will be treated to many images that are both simple and full of quiet beauty. By the way, I wish you a wonderful 2014, Sherry!

  9. I like your philosophy. I’ve been thinking the same myself – to step out of crazy and enter a more rational zone.

  10. Be still, my heart! Oh, that photo makes me long for the beach! The peace, the solitude, the warmth. *sigh* Great list of intentions, Sherry, very worthy of pursuing. I’ve decided after being inspired by your Simplicity Project that I’m going to practice that concept. The word thing doesn’t work for me but this ‘Simplicity’ thing really resonates. {PS – I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the first week of The 50mm Project. I’m literally sitting here watching for the FedEx man to bring the 50mm 1.4 that I ordered. Have been using my compact macro, which I love, but thought a new challenge would be good.}

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